Craig Constantinovich, CFP®


Phone: 614.326.3077


“Financial planning is an important piece of every individual’s life but is often overlooked.” said Craig. “I’ve seen the benefits of a financial plan firsthand, easing the decisions being made when families face hardships.”

- Craig Constantinovich


The comprehensive planning that John E. Sestina and Company offers is what first drew Craig Constantinovich to the firm. “I believe in analyzing each aspect of a person’s finances in order to assure the most wide-ranging plan is developed,” he said.

Craig has been part of John E. Sestina and Company since 2013. Prior to joining the company, he graduated from the University of Dayton with a degree in Finance.

Craig completed his education through the College for Financial Panning and earned his CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ designation in 2015. In addition, he is an active member of NAPFA and a regular contributor to the podcast, “Managing to be Wealthy”.